Keep Ya Head Up: David Duane Interview

David Duane is a recording artist, the media and radio personality behind On Air with David Duane (My Fierce Wings Radio), and the founder and CEO of Urban Fierce Group, a publicity and marketing company. We spoke with him about his personal experience with cyberbullying, balancing his multi-faceted career, and his advice for young people who want to get started in the entertainment industry. Thanks so much for watching!

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Stay safe and Keep Ya Head Up!

Keep Ya Head Up Interview: Dana Vaughns

We met Dana Vaughns back in 2013 when he was a member of the boyband, IM5. Since then, he played a role in Mindy Kaling’s hit new Netflix show Never Have I Ever, started a solo music career, performed with Kanye at Coachella, participated in the Nipsey Hussle tribute at the 62nd Grammy Awards, and much more! It was great to chat with him as a part of the Keep Ya Head Up Campaign.

Stay safe, and stay healthy šŸ™‚

Dana Vaughns:

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Keep Ya Head Up: Ewan J Phillips Interview

As a part of our Keep Ya Head Up Campaign, we spoke with singer-songwriter Ewan J Phillips about his new single Strangers in the Night (ft. Carrie Hope Fletcher), his advice for those who are being cyberbullied, and much more!

About the Keep Ya Head Up Campaign: In the midst of everything that is going on in the world, we wanted to start a new, positive campaign that helps support the online community and encourages us all to look out for one another.

Ewan J Phillips:

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TBYT March Dare

March 29th is Good Deeds Day! This month we’re daring you to get involved. Check out for information on how you can spread kindness on the 29th.

Find out more about Think Before You Type at:


Instagram: @thinkbeforeyoutype


Teddy Adhitya Interview



Photo via Teddy Adhitya


Think Before You Type is excited to share our very first bilingual interview. One of our main goals is to have a global impact, and we’re excited to take this step. We recently caught up with Indonesian singer Teddy Adhitya to talk about music, cyberbullying, and the internet.

Think Before You Type (TBYT): How would you describe your music?

Teddy Adhitya: My music is a place where I can tell stories and express feelings. If by genre, it could be said that my music is R&B soul.

Bagaimana cara Kak Teddy mendeskripsikan musik Kak Teddy?

Teddy:Ā  Musik gue adalah tempat gue cerita, mengekspresikan rasa. Kalo secara genre bisa dibilang secara general musik gue adalah R&B Soul.


TBYT: If you could play a show anywhere in the world, where would it be? (Jika Kak Teddy dapat konser dimana saja, Kak Teddy ingin konser dimana?)

Teddy: Obviously, Madison Square Garden!


TBYT: What is your favorite part about having a career in music?

Teddy: The creative process! In the studio crafting music and lyrics to be heard by a lot of people. And people relate with what I make. When on stage, people enjoy it, and I also enjoy being on stage. Itā€™s the best!

TBYT: Bagian mana yang Kak Teddy sukai dalam berkarir di dunia musik?

Teddy: Proses kreatif! Masuk studio crafting musik dan lirik untuk didenger banyak orang. Dan orang relate sama apa yang gue bikin. Ketika diatas panggung orang ikut menikmati apa yang juga gue nikmati di atas panggung. Itu the best!


TBYT: People often forget it, but a little bit of kindness can go a long way. When was the last time a stranger made you smile?Ā 

Teddy: Often. They often smile back.

TBYT: Seringkali orang orang lupa bahwa sedikit kebaikan dapat berdampak sangat banyak. Kapan seseorang yang Kak Teddy tidak kenal memberikan senyum?

Teddy:Ā Sering. Seringnya di senyumin balik sih. Hehe


TBYT: If you could speak to someone being cyberbullied, what would you say to encourage them?

Teddy:Ā The freedom of expression on the internet is good if it is positive. Cyberbullying is often done by brave people who are hiding behind their accounts.Ā Donā€™t take it seriously.

TBYT: Jika Kak Teddy dapat berbicara dengan orang yang terkena cyberbully, apa yang Ingin kak Teddy katakan?

Teddy: Kebebasan berexpresi melalu internet itu bagus, jika positive. Cyberbully dilakukan oleh orang2 yang berani karna mereka bersembunyi dibalik account masing2. Jadi, gausah dipeduliin juga.


TBYT: Whatā€™s one positive way that you would like to see the internet change?

Teddy: Make it easier access to express oneself. For spreading creations without much cost. A place to explore creation more widely.

TBYT: Apa salah satu perubahan positif yang ingin Kak Teddy lihat di Internet?

Teddy: Makin mudah akses untuk berekspresi. Untuk menyebar luaskan karya tanpa biaya yang besar. Tempat explore kreasi lebih luas.


TBYT: How do you deal with negative comments online?

Teddy: I don’t care. Even though sometimes it can be a reference to improve ourselves, but there is no one who knows us better than ourselves. So the negative comments are just like the wind. They surely will pass and donā€™t impact anything.

TBYT: Bagaimana kak Teddy menghadapi komentar negatif di dunia maya?

Teddy: Ga peduli. Meskipun kadang bisa dijadikan acuan untuk memperbaiki diri. Tapi yang kenal diri kita adalah diri kita sendiri. Jadi komentar negative itu kaya angin aja. Lewat doang. Ga memberi impact apa apa.


TBYT: What do you have coming up for the rest of the year?
Teddy: There will be a ā€œNOTHING IS REALā€ Ā showcase at Salihara Theatre on June, 27 2018! So excited!

TBYT: Adakah hal-hal yang akan Kak Teddy bagikan di tahun 2018 ini?

Teddy: Akan ada ā€œNOTHING IS REALā€ Showcase di Teater Salihara tanggal 27 Juni 2018! So excited!

DYSN Interview



Photo Credit: Connor Gould

DYSN took some time off from his busy tour schedule to talk with us about his decision to limit his social media use, the freedom he found in letting the audience create his setlist, new projects, and much more.

Think Before You Type (TBYT): How is tour going so far? Where are you right now?

DYSN: Ā Weā€™re in Madison, Wisconsin, and itā€™s actually been great here. Itā€™s one of our favorite cities so far. Itā€™s very homey, and weā€™re all just relaxed here. Itā€™s been great!

TBYT: Youā€™re letting crowds decide your setlist for shows on tour, which is very unique. What made you decide to do that?

DYSN: To be completely honest, just not being prepared. I was rehearsing with tracks, and about a week before, I just decided that I didnā€™t have enough time to put something really cool together. I write everything on acoustic, so I was just like, ā€œIā€™ll just ask people. I know them all, so itā€™ll be pretty easy.ā€ Itā€™s actually been working out. Itā€™s a lot easier to do than the other way around.

TBYT: Does that make you nervous at all? Knowing that youā€™re putting your setlist in the crowdā€™s hands?

DYSN: It kind of takes the edge off in a weird way. I think the problem that I personally had with the last tour was that I didnā€™t know if people were enjoying the songs or if they were going to like what I did because it was only like five songs. It was pretty short and it was a lot of new stuff. So it gives them more of an opportunity to hear their songs that they want to hear. Itā€™s actually less nerve-racking this time.

TBYT: How would you say that youā€™ve seen the internet play a role in your career?

DYSN: Pretty substantially. Itā€™s where everything is at in my career thus far, so itā€™s kind of where itā€™s all invested into. I only use Instagram though. I donā€™t have any other platform.

TBYT: Why?

DYSN: I donā€™t know. Iā€™m kind of weird with the social media stuff. I donā€™t really try to use it that much. Itā€™s not that I donā€™t try. Iā€™m just not really too drawn to it, to be honest. With the tour, Iā€™m trying a lot more to be active and engage people to come to the shows and all that. But before the tour, I wasnā€™t really too active and it kind of like draws me away from the other ones because like if Iā€™m barely posting on Instagram, I donā€™t even think about Twitter.

TBYT: Do you feel like that puts you at a disadvantage at all, or do you feel like youā€™re able to make that work?

DYSN: I havenā€™t really seen too much of an issue. I used to have Twitter and everything, and I kind of chopped it off recently. But yeah, it really hasnā€™t made too big of a difference because I kind of base everything off of the plays Iā€™m getting, and I havenā€™t seen a change in that at all. If anything, itā€™s doing a little bit better just with the tour and everything.

TBYT: Do you feel like your life is different from that of other people in our generation because you get to experience more of the real world instead of being on social media all of the time?

DYSN: Ā Definitely, Iā€™ve noticed compared to when I had everything going all of the time and I was constantly engaging, Iā€™m definitely more of a happier person when Iā€™m just living life. I donā€™t have my phone out. Itā€™s awesome. So itā€™s yeah, definitely a noticeable difference. Iā€™m pretty used to it now, but at first, I felt like I detoxed in a weird way.

TBYT: Whatā€™s one city on this tour that youā€™ve enjoyed a lot or are looking forward to going to?

DYSN: Definitely Billings, Montana. Iā€™m looking forward to the scenery, and Iā€™ve never been to that area. Ā I donā€™t know if Iā€™ll be back for a while, so I think thatā€™ll be cool. Toronto and New York are of course always amazing. Theyā€™re like my two favorite cities, so those are fun to go to. And surprisingly, Santa Fe as well. The New Mexico culture is so cool to me. And itā€™s not like something Iā€™ve spent a lot of time around, so itā€™s always new to me.

TBYT: How would you describe your songwriting process?

DYSN: My writing process revolves around an acoustic guitar for the most part. Itā€™s pretty rare that Iā€™ll get an instrumental from someone and write to that. Iā€™ll usually start with the guitar, and just build off of that.

TBYT: If you could collaborate with any artist in the world who would it be?

DYSN: It would be cool to do it with some bands. Maybe like The Walters or Beach House would be really cool. I really love their stuff. And MGMT because their new album was incredible.

TBYT: How did you get into music?

DYSN: Itā€™s always been surrounding me. My grandparents all play, my parents both play, and my sisters all like sing and everything. So growing up I was always a part of a four-part harmony, just everyone singing. Then my dad bought a pawned super cheap drum kit when I was eight. That was when I kinda started understanding [music]. Then it kinda took off from there, off and on, and thatā€™s pretty much where it started.

TBYT: So do you still play the drums now?

DYSN: I like to when I can. I still own a drum kit and everything, but I donā€™t ever really get to do it anymore because Iā€™ve been taking this other part pretty seriously now. I donā€™t really have time, but I wish I did. I enjoy that more than anything.

TBYT: How would you describe your sound?

DYSN: Ā The new stuff is a lot more stripped down. It hasnā€™t come out yet, but itā€™s a lot more live instruments. I have strings, live pianos, every song is guitar based. Itā€™s super broken down. I think one song has a drum kit playing live, and thatā€™s it. That one is really me, I guess. Youā€™ll see. The difference is pretty drastic.

TBYT: When is your new project going to be released? Ā 

DYSN: Hopefully in the summertime. Obviously the tour kind of put it off, but Iā€™ll have the full month of May to finish it. Itā€™s kind of like my personal deadline. All of the songs are written. Iā€™ve been playing a few on the road. Itā€™s just a matter of me getting into a studio and knocking them out.

TBYT: What inspired you to move onto something different and shift from your previous sound?

DYSN: I guess the old stuff wasnā€™t really as ā€œmeā€ as I wanted it to be. I was influenced by things that really donā€™t influence me now. I guess itā€™s just a growth. The things Iā€™m inspired by now are a lot different. This sounds really weird, but more theatrical type stuff is inspiring me at the moment. More like storytelling. Along with bands like Beach House with more interesting sounds.

TBYT: Are there any specific musicals that are inspiring you right now?

DYSN: The one that I watched and I was like ā€œI need to step up my gameā€ was The Sound of Music. Iā€™ve always loved it.

TBYT: As someone who started their career young, what would you say to young people who are out there who want to get out of the norm and make their own mark on the world?

DYSN: Itā€™s the most cliche thing, but itā€™s just about finding what really makes you happy. I think the thing that has changed my music the most was when I started making stuff that really made me happy, and I think that it has had an impact on the people around me. Theyā€™re way bigger fans of the new stuff, and everyone tells me ā€œthatā€™s much more you.ā€ Itā€™s about finding the thing that really makes you happy and inspired and excited and not trying to make stuff for other people to enjoy. I know people talk about it and say, ā€œoh music is for other peopleā€, but I think if youā€™re trying to have a stamp, then itā€™s finding your own happy place.

TBYT: You mentioned that you have this new project that youā€™re working on thatā€™s coming up. Are there any other goals that you have set for yourself in the near future? Ā 

DYSN: I definitely wanted to try to do two projects this year. I think thatā€™s the only goal at the moment. I donā€™t look too far into the future. I try to be as present as possible. But I would say, yeah, have this project come out and make the other one as soon as I can. Maybe in the fall or winter with a completely different sound, which I already have the idea of. So I want to get them [out] pretty close together.

TBYT: What advice do you have for young people who are dealing with cyberbullying?

DYSN: Just try to stay away from whatever situation got you there. If you have to go private, block somebody, or if youā€™re engaging in comments that you donā€™t need to be. For me, itā€™s staying away. I guess my advice would be to stay away from whatever the situation is.

TBYT: Youā€™re finishing up a tour and you have these new projects that youā€™re working on. Is there anything else that youā€™re looking forward to this year?

DYSN: Not anything for certain. Possibly more shows in the fall to start playing the new project and everything, but thatā€™s a maybe of course.

Lostboycrow Interview


Lauren from Think Before You Type sat down with Lostboycrow to talk about his current tour, the completion of his album “Traveler”, changing the culture online, and much more.

Lostboycrow alsoĀ told us about a new project that he has “really put his heart and soul into.” Watch until the end to get the scoop!

Find Lostboycrow at:

Thanks for watching šŸ™‚

VISTA Interview

IMG_6866 working bad wolf new head (1).jpg

Photo courtesy of Holly Turner Photography

TBYT recently caught up with Hope, Wolf, and Brian from the band VISTA. We discussed a variety of topics including their new EP, musical influences, and personal experiences with negativity online.Ā 

Think Before You Type: VISTA is a recently formed band, can you tell us how you guys all met and what made you decide to start the band together?

VISTA: Hope had been a solo artist for about a decade, and Wolf was her touring drummer. Their musical brains just completely meshed right off the bat, and they made the decision to form a new band. Brian and Wolf had been in bands together previously, and theyā€™ve been friends for years. Brian was actually supposed to be one of Hopeā€™s new touring guitarists, so he came along on a weekend of shows to kind of get a feel for things and pick up on some of her songs. It was just a clear fit to ask Brian to be a part of VISTA!

TBYT: Sometimes the internet can be a really tough place. How do you deal with negative comments on social media?

Hope: The internet can be a really dangerous space. You can connect with people easily, which is super helpful as a musician, but I think itā€™s really important to remember that any negative comment you read is just a set of words on a screen. Itā€™s digital, itā€™s not the real world. Thatā€™s always what I try to keep in mind. I know words on a social media site can be extremely, extremely hurtful. But lately Iā€™ve been saying that I would much rather live my life off a screen than behind one, you know? Make sure to maintain good personal relationships.

TBYT:Ā Who are your musical influences?

VISTA: All of our influences run on a pretty wide range. Weā€™re all huge fans of bands like PVRIS and Set It Off. Brian loves Periphery, and heā€™s actually a big Bieber fan, too. Hopeā€™s got three main musical sets of influences: pop punk and alt. rock, 90ā€™s pop, and classic rock. Wolfā€™s got some pop punk vibes too, and he also loves the Biebs.

TBYT:Ā Whatā€™s one thing that people tend to misjudge or underestimate about each of you?

Hope: In the past, some people have gotten super confused or surprised when they see how I dress compared to my personality. I wear black almost exclusively, you can never wear enough black! Iā€™ve always gravitated more towards darker colors, with pretty much everything, but my personality is really bubble and upbeatā€¦. which kind of contrasts the stigma behind wearing dark clothes. I guess itā€™s just an interesting contrast!

Brian: Probably that most of the time, people think Iā€™m off doing dumb things but at heart Iā€™m a very down to earth and real person.

Wolf: People tend to underestimate how hard Iā€™ll work to get to where I want to be.

TBYT:Ā When youā€™re down, what song helps to pick up your mood?

Hope: Any Backstreet Boys song!!!

Brian: For some reason I really enjoy metal when Iā€™m down. So one of the songs I listen to is ā€œThe Bad Thingā€ by Periphery.

Hope: You have such a broad taste in music, I can dig it. Iā€™ve never heard of Periphery, now I have something new to check out.

Wolf: Anything by Set It Off!

TBYT:Ā Weā€™re really passionate about encouraging other young people to use the internet for good. Whatā€™s one positive way that you would like to see the internet change?

VISTA: Twitter shouldnā€™t be as negative. Itā€™s a cool idea, a cool space that should be used to connect with your favorite musicians, actors, athletes, your friends. That space seems to be pretty abused nowadays. The bullying online, tweet wars, and subtweeting is just ridiculous. It could be such an awesome place online, but weā€™d really like to see people use it the right way, the positive way.

TBYT:Ā Who are your role models?

Hope: My dad was my top role model. But I think that right now, and especially most recently, my role model has been my brother. Heā€™s 7 years younger than me, but that kid is one of the most kind-hearted, care-free, talented teenagers I know. The way he carries himself at just 16 is super inspiring to me and Iā€™m always more than proud to be his sister.

Brian: My role model would probably be my mom. She taught me how to fight for the things I want and to never give up when things get hard.

Wolf: My boss at my job.

TBYT:Ā What advice or encouragement do you guys have for young people who are being cyberbullied?

VISTA: Get off the computer or phone for a bit. Go outside, get some fresh air, real air. Live more of your life offscreen instead of behind one. It really does wonders. Words on a screen are just words.

TBYT:Ā What do you guys have coming up in 2016?

VISTA: Our EP! Weā€™re gonna try and push out as much content as possible besides just music. Videos, photos, just a bunch of different things. And we will definitely be on the road. It will happen!

TBYT:Ā How do you define ā€˜beautyā€™?

Brian: Beauty is who you are on the inside. And who you are on the inside could change the world and make it a more beautiful place.

Hope: Brian honestly always has the most sentimental answers, itā€™s awesome.



Delian Asparouhov Interview

L from Think Before You Type spoke with Thiel Fellow Delian Asparouhov about Nightingale (the app he co-founded), young people impacting the world, and positive internet use.

Thanks for watching šŸ™‚

Find out more about Think Before You Type at:


Instagram: thinkbeforeyoutype



Photo courtesy of Delian AsparouhovĀ