Keep Ya Head Up: David Duane Interview

David Duane is a recording artist, the media and radio personality behind On Air with David Duane (My Fierce Wings Radio), and the founder and CEO of Urban Fierce Group, a publicity and marketing company. We spoke with him about his personal experience with cyberbullying, balancing his multi-faceted career, and his advice for young people who want to get started in the entertainment industry. Thanks so much for watching!

David Duane:
Think Before You Type:
Nonprofit Website:

Stay safe and Keep Ya Head Up!

Keep Ya Head Up Interview: Dana Vaughns

We met Dana Vaughns back in 2013 when he was a member of the boyband, IM5. Since then, he played a role in Mindy Kaling’s hit new Netflix show Never Have I Ever, started a solo music career, performed with Kanye at Coachella, participated in the Nipsey Hussle tribute at the 62nd Grammy Awards, and much more! It was great to chat with him as a part of the Keep Ya Head Up Campaign.

Stay safe, and stay healthy 🙂

Dana Vaughns:

Think Before You Type:
Nonprofit Website:

Keep Ya Head Up: Ewan J Phillips Interview

As a part of our Keep Ya Head Up Campaign, we spoke with singer-songwriter Ewan J Phillips about his new single Strangers in the Night (ft. Carrie Hope Fletcher), his advice for those who are being cyberbullied, and much more!

About the Keep Ya Head Up Campaign: In the midst of everything that is going on in the world, we wanted to start a new, positive campaign that helps support the online community and encourages us all to look out for one another.

Ewan J Phillips:

Think Before You Type:
Nonprofit Website:

Teddy Adhitya Interview



Photo via Teddy Adhitya


Think Before You Type is excited to share our very first bilingual interview. One of our main goals is to have a global impact, and we’re excited to take this step. We recently caught up with Indonesian singer Teddy Adhitya to talk about music, cyberbullying, and the internet.

Think Before You Type (TBYT): How would you describe your music?

Teddy Adhitya: My music is a place where I can tell stories and express feelings. If by genre, it could be said that my music is R&B soul.

Bagaimana cara Kak Teddy mendeskripsikan musik Kak Teddy?

Teddy:  Musik gue adalah tempat gue cerita, mengekspresikan rasa. Kalo secara genre bisa dibilang secara general musik gue adalah R&B Soul.


TBYT: If you could play a show anywhere in the world, where would it be? (Jika Kak Teddy dapat konser dimana saja, Kak Teddy ingin konser dimana?)

Teddy: Obviously, Madison Square Garden!


TBYT: What is your favorite part about having a career in music?

Teddy: The creative process! In the studio crafting music and lyrics to be heard by a lot of people. And people relate with what I make. When on stage, people enjoy it, and I also enjoy being on stage. It’s the best!

TBYT: Bagian mana yang Kak Teddy sukai dalam berkarir di dunia musik?

Teddy: Proses kreatif! Masuk studio crafting musik dan lirik untuk didenger banyak orang. Dan orang relate sama apa yang gue bikin. Ketika diatas panggung orang ikut menikmati apa yang juga gue nikmati di atas panggung. Itu the best!


TBYT: People often forget it, but a little bit of kindness can go a long way. When was the last time a stranger made you smile? 

Teddy: Often. They often smile back.

TBYT: Seringkali orang orang lupa bahwa sedikit kebaikan dapat berdampak sangat banyak. Kapan seseorang yang Kak Teddy tidak kenal memberikan senyum?

Teddy: Sering. Seringnya di senyumin balik sih. Hehe


TBYT: If you could speak to someone being cyberbullied, what would you say to encourage them?

Teddy: The freedom of expression on the internet is good if it is positive. Cyberbullying is often done by brave people who are hiding behind their accounts. Don’t take it seriously.

TBYT: Jika Kak Teddy dapat berbicara dengan orang yang terkena cyberbully, apa yang Ingin kak Teddy katakan?

Teddy: Kebebasan berexpresi melalu internet itu bagus, jika positive. Cyberbully dilakukan oleh orang2 yang berani karna mereka bersembunyi dibalik account masing2. Jadi, gausah dipeduliin juga.


TBYT: What’s one positive way that you would like to see the internet change?

Teddy: Make it easier access to express oneself. For spreading creations without much cost. A place to explore creation more widely.

TBYT: Apa salah satu perubahan positif yang ingin Kak Teddy lihat di Internet?

Teddy: Makin mudah akses untuk berekspresi. Untuk menyebar luaskan karya tanpa biaya yang besar. Tempat explore kreasi lebih luas.


TBYT: How do you deal with negative comments online?

Teddy: I don’t care. Even though sometimes it can be a reference to improve ourselves, but there is no one who knows us better than ourselves. So the negative comments are just like the wind. They surely will pass and don’t impact anything.

TBYT: Bagaimana kak Teddy menghadapi komentar negatif di dunia maya?

Teddy: Ga peduli. Meskipun kadang bisa dijadikan acuan untuk memperbaiki diri. Tapi yang kenal diri kita adalah diri kita sendiri. Jadi komentar negative itu kaya angin aja. Lewat doang. Ga memberi impact apa apa.


TBYT: What do you have coming up for the rest of the year?
Teddy: There will be a “NOTHING IS REAL”  showcase at Salihara Theatre on June, 27 2018! So excited!

TBYT: Adakah hal-hal yang akan Kak Teddy bagikan di tahun 2018 ini?

Teddy: Akan ada “NOTHING IS REAL” Showcase di Teater Salihara tanggal 27 Juni 2018! So excited!

Lostboycrow Interview


Lauren from Think Before You Type sat down with Lostboycrow to talk about his current tour, the completion of his album “Traveler”, changing the culture online, and much more.

Lostboycrow also told us about a new project that he has “really put his heart and soul into.” Watch until the end to get the scoop!

Find Lostboycrow at:

Thanks for watching 🙂

Ben Haenow Interview

Ben Haenow

Photo courtesy of Ben Haenow 

Ben Haenow is a singer-songwriter and the winner of the 11th series of the X Factor UK. He spoke with us about the joys and challenges of working closely with a sibling, perseverance, his plan for dealing with negativity online, and much more.

Think Before You Type: 
What is your favorite part about having a career in music?

Ben Haenow: It’s an honour to get to do something I love for a living. I’ve always loved writing and singing songs, and so having that as a job is the best thing ever. Getting to travel a lot and see different places while I do it is great.

TBYT: How would you describe your sound?

Ben: My inspirations come from all over, but  I’m a big fan of blues music and rock and roll. So I’d say probably a mix of those styles.

TBYT: We’re sisters who work together, so we know how fun (and challenging at times) it can be to work with a sibling. What is it like to work so closely with your brother? What have you learned from the experience?

Ben: Haha! Yeh even after over 30 years of knowing each other we still occasionally have our “Gallagher brothers” moments. But it’s great to have someone around who you trust implicitly. Someone who has your back and someone to help you out if/when things go wrong out on shows/tours and life in general. And someone who really knows me.
And also he’s great with songwriting, we wrote all the tracks on the new album together and as we have been writing together for years and working together we spend A LOT of time with each other… so  I guess I’ve learned that work well together… MOST of the time.

TBYT: If you could give your younger self a piece of advice, what would it be?

I’d tell myself, Don’t grow that stupid “goatee” beard thing in your teenage years lol! It was really not cool and actually a bit wonky! Hindsight is a funny thing 

TBYT: How do you deal with negativity online? 

To be fair I’m lucky in that I don’t seem to see much of it… I guess I just ignore it If I do see anything, and I don’t take any of it to heart for sure. I mean I don’t expect everyone to like me, or my music, or what I had for dinner on Instagram and stuff as in real life your opinions and the things you like won’t always match with everyone else.
There are a lot of people, particularly online who find it easy to just say nasty stuff for fun, because they can hide behind a screen and not really take any responsibility or because of their own insecurities and jealousy.

TBYT: What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned since winning the X Factor in 2014? 

I’ve definitely learned to not give up and that persistence and hard work can pay off. The show really helped to give me back my confidence with singing and helped me achieve my dream. Over the years of playing pubs, clubs, and smaller local venues before the show, it was sometimes a struggle and you have to keep a bit of faith. It’s a tough industry to work in and nothing is certain but if you want something enough.. cheesy as it sounds.. go get it and don’t give up.

TBYT: You post a lot of fun covers online. How do you choose which songs you cover? 

Generally I just pick songs I like. Sometimes people suggest stuff online if there’s something they’d like to hear but other than that it’s quite random really.

TBYT: If you had the chance to speak to someone who has been cyberbullied, what would you say to encourage them?

It’s a tough one. There is obviously a huge pressure and want to be on social media nowadays particularly for the younger generation. And to have everything you do, eat, watch or think online for everyone to see. Unfortunately, if you put things up online, it’s easy for anyone to voice an opinion on good or bad. As easy as it is for someone to Like something it’s just as quick to show dislike. I’d say to remember who your REAL friends are, people who actually KNOW YOU and speak to them. Remember that someone who follows a social media account is not always a “friend” and may just be there to troll or say nasty stuff. There are a lot of people out there who bully, it is usually jealousy or boredom, but these people who don’t actually know you or anything about you just choose to post rude or nasty things online. Speak to someone if it is affecting you.

TBYT: What is your favorite part about touring?

I love the whole thing. Going to places you’ve never been, getting out and meeting people, playing to people, getting to see the reactions to the new material or at the shows singing the words back at us on stage. The traveling is all pretty full on and can be knackering but it’s all good fun!

TBYT: Do you have anything exciting coming up in 2018? 

More shows and more new music! I got to collab on a song I wrote with a South African artist recently released through SONY which has done great so I hope to be heading out there at some point this year for some shows. My new single “Falling Down” is available April 2nd and my second album “ALIVE” is coming in March so I’m excited for what’s to come in 2018.